Dedicated to maritime insurance since 1928
With the aim of giving the best service to
shipowners and our members.
MUTUAPESCA is a mutual insurance company that has been operating in the transportation industry since 1928. Offering maritime insurance for hulls, cargo, pleasure crafts as well as advising our members on the contracting of civil liability and Protection and Indemnity (P & I) insurance.
Our team of professionals, with having recognized experience in the sector, has converted this maritime company into a leading insurer, with business interests throughout Europe, Asia, Africa, America and Australia.
In 1993, MUTUAPESCA began offering reinsurance for maritime risks, in according with the regulatory guidelines.
In 2009 MUTUAPESCA acquired CESMAR Seguros y Reaseguros, S.A. This allowed MUTUAPESCA to diversify its portfolio and position itself as one of the most important companies in the transportation sector, thus consolidating its leadership as insurers in the fishing industry.
Today, almost a century after its founding, Mutua is present in the main Spanish ports providing the best service, coverages and guarantees.

Mutuapesca founding partners